When I was a kid, my grandma gave me 10 Barbie dolls she got at a yard sale. I didn’t like Barbies very much, but these particular ones were weird. They were from the '60s (this was in the late '80s). Some of them had their eyes blacked out, the majority of them didn’t have any clothes, and a few of them had writing on them that I couldn’t read. They creeped me out, so I put them in a box in the back corner of my closet with a bunch of stuff piled on top of it.
After I got them, I would have this reoccurring dream about a little girl named Rose who would tell me that my dolls 'weren’t supposed to be naked' and that the 'naked dolls would get us in trouble.' She would then dress them and line the dolls up on my bed. Rose scared me. She was always dirty, had blacked out eyes like the dolls, and smelled horrific. Sometimes, I could still smell her when I would wake up from those dreams, but I didn’t tell anyone about her because the dreams were so scary and real.
Usually, the day after I had that dream, we would come home after being gone all day (no one would be home at all) and those fucking dolls would be dressed, lined up side-by-side on my bed. Just like the dream. My mom would always be unsettled by the discovery (because no one would have been home to do this) and because the dolls creeped her out, too. After this happened several more times, I finally told my mom about my dream. She tried to hide the fact that it freaked her out, but I could tell.
The last time I had the dream, I told my mom about it right when I awoke from it. Before we left for the day, my mom locked all of the dolls in our shed that we had in the backyard. But, when we got home that night, those fucking dolls were all lined up on my bed, completely dressed. We took the dolls to the dump the next day and I never had that dream or saw/smelled Rose again.
we, venery have a theory about rose.. when she was alive, having many dolls as she likes to collect them, based on the sayings "few of them had writing on them that i couldnt read" that might happen due to already oldlike toys, perhaps 1960-1980. maybe rose was having a secret admirer, that might trying to sleep with her, flirt her with rose petals on the bed (thats why rose flowers could be smell) but rose sadly rejected him. it got him mad, tortured her, abuse and r*pe her then killed her out of anger, and after that she's buried alongside her dolls. ghost might able to attached with their fav belongings too. and that whats happen in rose case and when the anonym could not sense any rose traces after they dump it, that might because the doll already on other new owner, or already burnt in dump recycling centre
2. Bisa jadi Rose dan ataupun anggota keluarganya merupakan pemilik boneka-boneka tersebut sebelumnya, maka dari itu ada beberapa tulisan yang tidak terbaca dengan jelas mungkin saja itu tulisan tanda milik yang sudah kabur termakan usia ("a few of them had writing on them that I couldn’t read")
-Rose kecil yang mungkin gemar memainkan boneka tersebut dan mungkin pernah lupa untuk memakaikan pakaian boneka tersebut kembali mendapatkan masalah dari anggota keluarganya yang juga menggemari boneka ("Rose who would tell me that my dolls 'weren’t supposed to be naked' and that the 'naked dolls would get us in trouble'") disini mungkin rose menapatkan perlakuan kasar bahkan sampai meninggal maka dari itu ia tampak sangat kotor dan berbau mengerikan (mungkin bau lukanya) dan kemungkinan buruk rose kecil dikubur secara tidak wajar/dibuat menjadi boneka(?)
-Rose yang sayang dengan bonekannya dan juga tidak mau si anonim mendapatkan masalah yang sama (pikirnya) jadi mendandani dan menata boneka itu secantik mungkin.
-Menurut saya ini rose merupakan iblis karena matanya yang menghitam, tetapi dia tidak menunjukkan bahaya pada anonim dan keluarganya
-Dan sama seperti teori sebelumnya, ia tidak pernah menghantui kembali karena boneka sudah dibuang (antara dirawat baik oleh orang lain atau diakar ditempat pembuangan akhir)
we hope this could help you calmed a bit, next time we advice you to not taking some old belongings that have unknown past to your home. might it possessed and such. have a great day!