First of all, I have never believed in ghosts, and don’t consider my home to be a creepy place at all. The house was only built about 9 years ago, and as far as I know the land it’s on doesn’t have a dark history of any kind. However, ever since we moved in we have experienced some strange things. The weirdest part is most of what we have experienced involves toys aside from one time my brother says he clearly heard our dad calling his name from downstairs, only to find out he was the only one home.
One reoccurring thing we've heard tons of times over the years is the sound of someone digging around in this big plastic tub of LEGO pieces. When we were kids we all collected and built bionicles all the time in our playroom upstairs. The sound of shifting the pieces around to look for a part makes a very loud and distinct noise that everyone in our house became familiar with, but it was common for us to hear it when we were certain that no one was up there. When we got older we stored our vast collection of bionicles and tub of loose parts in a long closet, and we've continued to hear the noise coming from there every now and then. We have always been confused and weirded out by the sound but we never bothered to record the noises just because everyone in our house has heard it first hand and a recording of the sound of Legos in the next room didn't seem like it would interest anyone else. We told a friend about this who thought it was crazy and insisted that we record it next time. Not long after that, both of my brothers were watching TV and heard the sound down the hall. They immediately started recording and we got pretty decent audio of the noise.
We sent the clip to our friend who showed it to several other people who all got creeped out and started wanting to spend the night at our house to hear it for themselves. When they came over, our parents heard all the hype about the video and wanted to hear it, so we just Chromecast it to our living room TV so everyone could watch it together.
That's when we all noticed that a large bionicle (it's one we designed as kids to be huge, so it towers over the store bought ones) in the back of the closet turns it's head towards us right as we're leaving. No one had noticed it before watching on phone screens because it's fairly small, and we all thought the action was over anyway by that point in the video. We immediately went upstairs to check it out and found it in the same position it's in at the start of the video. Although it's neck joint is pretty rigid anyway, so we don't think it could have just drooped or fallen. It's definitely pretty eerie.
I want to reiterate that we have never felt unsafe in our home. We are not bothered by the things we have experienced but they are a little strange. Let me know what you think.
Edit: some people have been asking to see the bionicles and speculating that it's battery powered, but it's definitely not. Anyone who ever built them themselves will recognize the joint pieces in the neck. I took a picture so you can see how it's built, and another with a cereal box for scale. Also someone made a gif of the movement since many people weren't able to spot it.
I've also seen people speculating that the sound we've been hearing is a mouse running through the parts. Maaaaaybe that's possible, but I really doubt it. The sound of the recording isn't as loud as we thought it would be hearing it in person, but it sounds like somebody sticking their hand in and shifting a large portion of the Legos at the same time. A pause. Then the same thing again. Just like it does when someone is intentionally digging. I would think that a mouse running across the top would just move a few pieces around.
More edit: if you still aren't seeing it, keep your eyes on the very back of the closet at 0:57-0:59
Setelah saya mengulang ulang dan mengulang ulang video yang anda lampirkan, akhirnya saya melihat dua antena itu bergerak. Menurut saya untuk ukuran rumah yang sudah 9 tahun ditinggali dan kumpulan lego anda yang berbentuk sosok di ruangan yang menyendiri, kemungkinan memang ada sesuatu yang tinggal disitu (karena biasanya benda-benda lama tiba-tiba berpenunggu). Juga cerita anda bahwa saudara anda mendengar dengan jelas panggilan ayah kalian padahal tiada sesiapapun, bisa dikaitkan dengan keberadaan hantu. Jika memang pun ada sepertinya bukan tipe yang ingin mengganggu karena anda menyebutkan bahwasannya anda masih merasa aman dan tidak terganggu oleh apa yang anda alami. Tetapi sejujurnya saya belum 100% yakin apakah itu memang benar perbuatan hantu atau bukan karena dari apa yang anda paparkan tidak menyertai adanya perubahan suhu yang mencolok, tanda lampu yang tiba-tiba berkedip maupun bau-bauan aneh sepertii sulfur yang muncul di rumah anda. Untuk pencegahan jika itu memang benar-benar hantu dan anda merasa tidak nyaman, anda bisa menebarkan garam disekeliling rumah dan ruangan tersebut dan tentunya berdoa demi ketenangan hati. Dan jika anda masih benar-benar penasaran ingin langsung membuktikan itu hantu atau bukan, anda bisa menghubungi kami. Terima kasih banyak dan mohon maaf jika panjang.