I was about 12 years old, and woke up in the middle of the night needing to take a leak.
I walked across the hall to the little bathroom, hit the lights, and was about to reach for the toilet when I glanced up and saw a face in the mirror.
It was not my face.
It was as if someone was on the other side, standing to the right, with their face right next to the glass, staring at me. I only saw it for the briefest moment, but it is seared into my brain.
I screamed, and ran out of there to find my dad. Of course, my dad investigated, then calmed me down, or tried to. Eventually we had a prayer session, because I was so freaked out. Eventually I must have gone back to sleep.
Fast forward to my 30s. I’d forgotten all about the event. One night while visiting, my dad quietly brings it up. 'Remember that one time you saw a face in the mirror...' It suddenly came back to me in a rush of memory, sending a chill down my spine. 'Yeah, I remember.'
'Well...' he said, 'I sometimes think about that night.' He looked down at the floor, with a serious expression. 'I saw it too.'
He went on to describe exactly what I’d seen. We have no idea what that was. Apparently when he investigated, he saw it and had a freak out of his own. Apparently the prayer session was as much for his own nerves as mine.
I respect him for keeping that tidbit from me 'til my 30s, but I kinda wish he’d never told me.
Dari venery, teori kami si anak ini beneran liat setannya tapi dia lari trus manggil bapaknya dan pas bapaknya ngecek malah bapaknya ketuker gitu. Jadi setannya ngambil alih raga bapaknya, bapaknya jadi setan di kaca. Karena bapaknya ketuker, dia jdi kek raganya diambil alih dan setannya baca doa bareng dengan niat buat pastiin bapaknya gabisa lolos dari kaca. Nah pas uda gede si bapak ini versi setanny nampakkin diri depan anaknya buat nyeritain kisahny makany dia inget
Menurut kita itu penunggu lama rumah itu, sepertinya hanya muncul hari itu saja ya? Maybe it's a special day for them... or maybe your praying session sent it away. Probably a being trying to cross worlds through your mirror, no big worry.