It all started at midnight, sounds fake but I’m genuinely terrified by this. One of the three clocks in the room suddenly stopped right at midnight, every hand facing midnight. It’s a battery-powered clock. My coworker and I then started to joke about ghosts and then I went to the bathroom. When I came back, the clock was running again and was at the correct time. We then joked about ghosts some more and then heard doors and such opening and closing but we couldn’t see any movement on the cameras. Please note, we are the only two people working there this late at night. We were the only people in the building. We see what looks to be dust moving on a camera, problem is, there’s no vents or anything nearby and the dust, isn’t moving in any pattern. Doesn’t look like dust at all. This is when things get creepy. We decide to walk around, not trusting we go alone. While walking around the facility, we hear whispering from what sounds like a woman. We both had chills at the exact same moment. We have no idea what she said. We kept walking around where in the cafeteria, there are random warm spots. We also came across a meeting room that smelled of sweat almost, but it wasn’t a sweat smell it was not normal. I’m not sure how to explain that one or any of the other things that happened, especially the clock. We left as soon as we saw the spirit orb or dust on the camera moving towards the room we sit in and we will be going back tonight and I’m planning on recording what happens on my phone, if anything. I hope at least one person can maybe explain the clock to me or something that could cause the clock to do that.
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Apakah selain kalian ada yang mengalami hal serupa? Dari penjelasan anda sepertinya memang ditempat anda bekerja ada penunggunya: 1. Kalian mendengar pintu dan membuka dan menutup seperti itu, tetapi kalian tidak dapat melihat gerakan apa pun di kamera.
2. Kalian melihat sesuatu yang tampak seperti debu yang bergerak di kamera, dari beberapa kejadian penampakan hantu yang tertangkap kamera (yang saya tau) mereka terlihat seperti debu terbang.
3. Kalian mendengar bisikan yang terdengar seperti seorang wanita, kebanyakan hantu berbisik dengan suara lembut seperti suara wanita
4. Kalian mengalami kedinginan secara bersamaan, tetapi ini kurang bisa membuktikan adanya penurunan suhu drastis akibat tanda-tanda kedatangan hantu, karena tengah malam udara pasti terasa dingin.
5. Kalian mencium bau keringat di ruang pertemuan Untuk masalah jam, anda tadi memaparkan bahwasannya jam tersebut adalah jam bertenaga baterai.. kedatangan hantu (ada timbulnya gelombang elektromagnetik) terkadang mempengaruhi beberapa alat elektronik terutama jam (jam nya jam baterai jadi ya termasuk alat elektonik). Terima kasih banyak dan mohon maaf jika penjelasannya terlalu panjang. Jika mereka mengganggu dengan ganas anda bisa membawa jimat ketika bekerja ataupun melakukan pembersihan. Hubungi kami lagi jika anda merasa ada yang perlu sesuatu.
was there a sudden temperature drop? or maybe the building is built on a sacred land? if yes please contact me @ethzrahite on twitter. thank you.